HomeBitrue launches voting on whether to list Ravendex’s RAVE coin

Bitrue launches voting on whether to list Ravendex’s RAVE coin

Charles Thuo

Digital asset management and exchange platform Bitrue is currently conducting a vote on Twitter on if users would like it to list the RAVE coin. the exchange plans to list Ravendex's RAVE coin on March 21, 2022, at 10 am UTC if people vote for the coin to be listed.

According to Birtrue's tweet, if the majority votes for the exchange to list the coin, users will have a chance to earn a staking reward of up to 2,500,000 RAVE tokens.

At the time of writing, according to Bitrue’s voting page, 702,362 votes had been cast out of a target of 4,000,000 votes.



Ravendex is a non-custodial decentralized exchange that is built on Cardano and is one of the fastest-growing projects on Cardano. It allows swift and near-instant transfer of assets using the Cardano EUTXO mechanism that among other amazing features allows shared liquidity.

It was also the first project on Cardano to conceive the idea of CNTs and CNFTs.

Although RAVE coin is currently down by about 6%, the news that Bitrue had started voting on whether to list it had excited the crypto community and especially RAVE coin holders. The coin saw a small spike immediately the news was out and it is expected to witness a major price surge if the voting ends in its favor.

Several other exchanges including Bitmart and Sundaeswap have already listed RAVE coin and bagging Bitrue will be a major step for the Cardano project.

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